Zolmola Jezu ( Our Lord is born) and shared our humanity, the same birth as a baby, we'll have been through. His was light divine, of true salvation and truer living. Xmas Song/music in the native style, a fusion of music. Credit: Friz Love
lyrics with English translation for global audience. vid will load in few secs.
Chorus :
Zolmola Jezu
Lord Jesus is born
Zolmola amcho sodvondar
Our Saviour is born
Ballka rupan Uzvadd gheun aila
In the form of child he has bringing in light
Gorabe asat amchea gavant ravta ti kallokant
there are families in our town who live in darkness
Uzvaddache die amka kor uzavdd hadunk gotabeant
the lamp lit to bring light to the families
Kallza mona amchi zalea ap suvarti
Our hearts and mind have become selfish
ravun kallki jivitant
living in darkness
Tuzo uzvadd amcher fankoi ballka jezu
your light shine on us Child Jesus
Jivit bor tujea uzvaddan
Fill our lives with your light
Adunik kallant Munis Mog kortat vostucho nhui munxeancho
In modern times Man have loved worldly goods not humankind
kurpa di amka somzunk ho vorth tujea khorea mogacho
Give us the grace to understand the value of your true love
Dubleank adar diunk piddestank buzvonn diun
help to the poor and comfort to the sick
Pettoi kallzant uzzo
to light the fire in us
Munxeakullacho mog korunk ballok jezu sonvsarant tuven zolm ghetlo
to love mankind Child Jesus you were born in this world
kalliz darun koxe tuje zale mai Kusveaantunch mhaka marunk
with cruel hearts your wished to kill me in the womb
Churchure mhojem tuven korunk na roddnem mhoje tuven aikun
you did not have mercy on me nor listen to my tears
Maria maie zolm dilo tuven
Mother Mary You gave birth
Ballka Jesuk kallji gheun
to our Child Jesus being humble
Uzvaddai mona amchi di gottai amka tuji kuxalkain burgeank zolmant haddunk
Light up our minds and give us your strength with joyfulness to give birth to children