Short Story :Â Â Ronnie is back in his home village

Ronnie was back in his bucolic village, nestled by a hilly terrain with its cashew and mangoes plantation on its southern edge and to its north ensconced by lake that surrounded it, which would inundate with
monsoon rains necessary
to grow the rice saplings
into green green paddy
fields for miles at end
guarded on its edge, side
by side like sentinels at
the post the familiar
coconut palm trees..
Its here his ancestors
had settled after escaping
the major plague that struck their fabled city of Old Goa, the "Pearl of the Orient", in 16th century with its handsome citizens, which rivaled Venice in its opulence and grandeur in her glory days. But with wealth and splendor came the perversion of the spirit followed by the black plague which decimated its handsome citizens and devastated the city but some survived
Its here in this village of Velim, the survivors made their home after long arduous bitter trail, dug in and built their exquisite villas once again their tradition and culture that seeped through the generation preserved for posterity and in the street corners white brick laden crosses the villagers would gather for the litany and for prayers. And at dusk as the sun receded slowly in the horizon, it was amorichea vellar (time for angelus) the bells would chime and silence would descend on the village as they huddled together in thanksgiving for the day.
Its here in his ancestral home, he had spent many a school summer vacation in the company of his Grandma, now after almost a lifetime in USA, He savored every moment in his village, his broad shoulders gliding lazily his body still erect, teenage memories gushing like a torrid spring nearby on heavy monsoon day, it seemed it happened just yesterday as he sauntered down the curved undulating road now paved, dried browned leaves on either side chugging on to the Kerb and the Goan villas with the familiar patios or balcaos, still graceful on either side withering the rigors of time, and the cozy villa she lived and spent her summers, he peered across the courtyard, it was desolate and curtain drawn, there was no music and no laughter emanated from her ancestral villa.
He noticed and old tenant sweeping the dead leaves tending the villa, he marched across the gate the rusted iron gate creaking at the hinges as he yanked it open. and made his way toward the caretaker, dead leaves crunching under his shoe on graveled path, he extended his hands for a handshake..
before he could exchange any pleasantries, the tenant now startled, responded in haste " i am Joao, just a helper, I look after the villa.
Ronnie : "where is the family, where is everyone ?"
Joao:" yes, yes, yes they go abroad, Canada, long time ago. no come "
and Ronnie pressed him again in a hushed tone, this time very personal.
"and where is Audrey?
Joao was taken aback surprise and tinge of resentment clouded his face
" and who you?"
It was Ronnie turn to remains silent after all these years he could not respond, she wasn't there, it seemed so forlorn and gloom and desolation crept in his being again. what was he thinking?, he could snap his fingers and travel back in time and the memories will come alive the laughter, the music the teenage years and Audrey with her dark brown hair waving carelessly in the summer breeze
to be continued every week