Konkani >>> English Dictionay
A--C / D-F / G-J / K-M / N-P / R-S / T-V / W-Z
dadlo, -dlea (m) male, man, husband
daiji, -jea (m) [paternal] cousin
daiz, -za (n) heritage
dakoy (tv) show
damb (tv) press
dambor, -bra (m) tar, bitumen
dantonni, -nne (f) comb
dar, -ra (n) door, entrance
dar kadd = open the door
darvontto, -ttea (m) doorpost
datt (adj) thick
datt-so (adj) somewhat thick
davo (adj) left
deg, -ge (f) border, edge
dek (tv) see
dêk (f) example, model
dekhavo, -vea (m) scene, scenery
dekhun (conj) therefore, since
deknni, dulpod, dhalo, fugddi = Goan folk song/dance
denv (iv) climb/come down
denvoy (tv) lower, bring down
dês, -sa (m) country
Dêv, Deva (m) God
Devakuch khobor = God knows
Dev borem korum = Thank you!
Dev bori sanz dium = Good evening!
Dev boro dis dinv = Good day!
Dev pavlo = God is good!
Dev zanna = God knows!
devki, -ke (f) canna
devull, -vlla (n) temple
Dezembr, -ra (m) December
dhadd (tv) send
dhadoxi (adj) satisfied
dhaktto (adj) small, minor
dhanv (iv) run
dhanvdday (tv) drive away
dharmik (adj) religious
dheddi, -ddie (f) brides-maid
dheddo, -ddea (m) best man
dhir, -ra (m) courage
dhiradik (adj) courageous
dhog, -ga (m) heat
dhoir, -ra (n) courage
dholkem, -kea (n) drum [hung on neck]
dhompor, -pra (n) knee
dhon’do, -dea (m) trade/business, employment
dhor (tv) catch, hold
dhornn, -nni (f) earth
dhovo (adj) white
dhu (tv) wash
dhul'lo, -l’la (m) dust [in the air]
dhull, -lli (f) dust [settled down]
dhuv, -ve (f) daughter
dhuvddi, -dde (f) niece, woman's sister's daughter / man's brother's daughter
dis, -a (m) day
dis- (iv) appear, seem, look
dis kadd = spend one's days, survive
dis sar = spend one's days
disallem, -llea (n) daily [paper]
disan dis = day by day
dis-bhor = the full day
disona = is not to be seen
dispotto (adv) daily
dista = it seems, maybe
Divalli, -lle (f) Divali festival, festival of lights
divli, -vle (f) brass oil lamp
divodd, -vdda (m) rat snake
dixtt, -tti (f) sight, vision
dixtti podd = come in view, catch sight of
dobazo, -bajea (m) solemnity, éclat
doddto (adj) double
dodol, bebink, dôs = Goan sweets
dogaim = both of them
dokxinn, -nne (f,adj) South, southern
dollo, -llea (m) eye
don don = two each
don pavtti = twice
donpar, -ra (m) noon, afternoon
dôngor, dongra (m) hill
dor (adj) each
dor eklo = each one
dor, -ri (f) rate
dorji, -jea (m) tailor
dorxon, -na (n) audience, visit
dorio, -ia (m) sea, any body of water
dosonn, dosnni (f) hibiscus
Dosro, -srea (m) Dassera, Durga Puja
dotor, -ra (m) doctor
dotorki, -ke (f) medicine [discipline]
dovor (tv) keep, place
dovornnem, -nnea (n) bus stop
dubllo (adj) poor
dubllo, -llea (m) poor man
dud, -da (n) milk
duddu, -ddva (m) money
dudi, -dea (m) pumpkin
duk, -ki (iv) pain, ache
dukan, -na (n) shop, stores
dukor, -kra (m) pig
durdorxon, -na (n) television
durig, -rga (n) compound wall
durusti, -sti (f) repairs
dusre vatten = in the other direction
dusro (adj) second, next
dusro dusro (adv) of different types
duyent, -ti (m,f) patient
edoso (adj) so small
ek pavtt = once
ek zait ailem = getting to be 1.00
ek, don, tin, char, panch, so, sat, att, nov, dha = numerals one …ten
ekach farak = at one shot
ekamekacho (poss.pn) mutual
ekamekak = to each other
ekchar, -ra (m) unity
ekdam (adv) once
ekdom’ (adv) altogether
ekech pavttim = at one shot/turn
ekek (adj) one each
ekttaim (adv) in one place, together
ekttaim kor = collect
ekttaim za = assemble
ektto (adj) one, a single
ekuch … nazalear = either … or
Evrop, -pa (m) Europe
Evropi (adj) European
faido, -dea (m) profit
faleam (adv) tomorrow
faleamchean (adv) from tomorrow
falem, -lea (n) morrow, the next day
famad (adj) famous
fantto, -ttea (m) branch
farik (adj) paid
farik kor = pay
farmas, -si (f) pharmacy
fat, -ta (m) suit, jacket and trousers
fat mar = put on a suit
fattofatt (adv) soon after
favo, favoto (adj) fitting, due
Febrer, -ra (m) February
fenni, -nnie (f) liquor [from toddy or cashew]
feri bott = ferryboat
feri, -rie (f) fair
fero, -rea (m) round/turn
ferr, -rra (n) hot iron [to press clothes]
ferr mar = iron [clothes]
fest, -ta (n) feast
fexonacho (adj) fashionable
film-notti, -ttie (f) filmstar, actress
fint, -ta (n) ribbon
fir (iv) go round
firgoz, -je (f) parish
fodd (iv) ache
fôdd (tv) crack, break [open]
fodda, -dde (f) hood
foddnn, -nna (n) seasoning
fôgetti, -tte (f) fire cracker
fokandd, -dda (n) teasing, joke
fokanddam kor = tease
fokandder, -ra (m) clown
fokot (adv) just, only
foll, -lla (n) fruit
fôndd, -dda (m) grave
fonddaro, -rea (m) compost pit
fosam ghal = hiss
frij, -ji/ja (f,m) refrigerator
fuddar (iv) make progress
fuddar, -ra (m) future, prospects
fuddeant (pp) in front of
fuddem (adv) ahead, further
fuddem (pp) before
fuddem sor = come forward
fuddem voch = make progress
fuddem, fuddlean (adv,pp) further, in front of
fuddlo (adj) next, coming
fuddo kor = face
fugo, -gea (m) balloon
ful, -la (n) flower
fuloy (tv) spread out, open out
furxem, -xea (n) saw-scaled viper
fusfuxit (adj) fluffy and soft
fuslay (tv) convince gently, persuade
futt (iv) break, crack