Tujea hatan ( in your hands, Lord Jesus) . A trusting hymn in konkani that reposes all our trust in Our Lord, and with faith, He will deliver, sung ardently by: Diana Pearl Rodrigues Credit; Diana Pearl Rodrigues
hymn lyrics with English translation for Global audience, vid will load in few secs.
Tujea hatan jiv-prann mhozo,
In your hands my life and death
Tunch mhozo asro!
you are my refuge
jinnek mhojê Tujê vinnem
In life without you
nam xanti, nam bhorvanso.
there is no peace and trust
Jezu, Tum môg jivo,
Jesus you Love alive
omrut jivitacho;
Life's immortality
Tarôk Tum otmeacho,
the saviour of our souls
kunvôr soddvonnecho.
the Prince of freedom
Patki rochnnek Tum choloitai,
You rule the sinful Creations
Tunch mhozo Raza!
You alone are my king
kurpa kaklut upott vantt‟tai,
you share your infinite mercy and graces
deivik jivitan bhôrtai.
always fill our Lives