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Marie Amche Mogall Maie

Marie Amche Mogall Maie

Marie Amche Mogall Maie, Mary Our blessed Mother,a melodious hymn in konkani in dedication to Our Blessed Mother on her Birthday. Vocalist: Anisha Costa, Jolinton Rodrigues,Ashlon Rodrigues

Credit: Glorious Voice Production.

hymn lyrics with translation for global audience, vid will load in few secs.


Mariê amchê mogall Maiê,

Maria, our loving Mother,

koutik tujea zolma-disa

on this day that you were born,

porbem ami tuka ditanv,

we offer you our greetings,

fulam uddoun noman kortanv.

we honour you with flowers that we strew.


Polle tujim hanstim bhurgim

Look at your happy children,

hurben aileanv tujê sorxim;

who have come to You with devotion;

dolle laitanv tuka sorgim,

they look up to you in heaven,

mogan gaitanv svadik gannim.

lovingly singing sweet songs.

Tuka polleun Bap murgott´ta,

The Father is full of joy on seeing you,

Putak subham´ anond bhogta,

the Son is delighted,

Povitr Atmo tujer denvta,

the Holy Spirit descends on you,

fulancho har haddun ghalta.

he puts a crown of flowers on Your head.


(not included)

Mollbar prithver fanklo uzvadd,

The sky was resplendent with light,

sorvim gazta gitancho sad.

the sound of music can be heard everywhere.

Sorga zogant somest gaitat,

heaven and earth are all singing,

tujea manak kirton kortat.

they are singing praises for you.

Hatant amchea fulam-daliô,

Baskets of flowers in our hands,

varear ubtat gulab-paklliô;


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