Ruzari Saibinni, A konkani Hymn dedicated to Blessed mother with love and devotion for her maternal protection.
credit to Aradhon , Omar De Loiola Pereira
hymn lyrics with translation, vid will load in few secs.
hymn version 2.0 Ruzari Saibinni (D'Souza Singers)
Ruzari Saibinni, Tum amchi Ranni,
Our Lady of the Rosary, You are our Queen,
visronaka gê amchim
do not forget our prayers:
Kurpa di amkam dukhamnim rodduncheak amchim patkam amim somestamnim.
Give us all the grace to tearfully repent our sins.
Vinoti kôr, Maiê, tujea Puta lagim
Intercede on our behalf to your Son
ami zodduncheak sorginchim dennim.
to earn for us the gifts of heaven.