Ossonnechea Pullar, The rhapsodies that emanates in
music, songs, dances and romance from my village in South Goa, this is as southern (Sasti)as it gets for us in our soft soothing native tongue.. Credit : Ivor D'Cunha.
snippets of lyrics with English translation, vid link will load in few secs.
sokhani Uttanam suknne korta gaiona in the morning when I wake up
the birds are singing zedna fokot tujich chitnam my thoughts are of you dis rath tujich sopnam day and night I dream of you zehvonn passun ruchona have no taste even for food fokott ekloch tuem ani dushro khon maka naha you are the only one and I have no other Poiloch tuka poilollo, murgotton ashtallo first time I saw you, you smiled shyly at me Assonachea pullar bossuen asslollo you were sitting on the Assolna bridge nodor tuzear poddun, jivu mhuzo dadhosllo when I gazed at you I was happy...
Poilech nodrek mog zallolo
It was love a t first sight
/ Osson'nechea Pullar mog zallolo sodanch ugdass dorcho
Our love began on Assolna bridge, we must always remember.