Goa's heart warming mando, the vows, upon the waves of the sea. The bond that fasten forever, the magical voice of Anouskha Sequeira Vaz & Chris Vaz / One man band
credit to : John Anthony Lopes.
lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs.
Dorieachea larari, Upon the waves of the sea, Chondrimanchea uzvaddari, In the light of the moon, Heam mojeĆ£ kensanche pantieri Upon this strand of my hair, Jurar zatam tujeach re tujeach mucari I give an oath in your presence.
Ch: Eu re moga, choi re maca, Come my love, look at me, Mogache dolle lai re maca. Look at me with your loving eyes.
Anjo tum Arcanjo, An angel, an Archangel, Querobim adoraru, An adorable Cherubim, Ho ecuch amcho pacto, This our union is unique, Juramento zait re sagrado. Our oath will be sacred.
Ratrich nident Ć£um sopnetam, At night I dream during my sleep, Utton abras diuncheac vettam, Getting up I go to embrace you, Zaguim zaun Ć£um fottoutam, When I wake up I feel deceived, He martir tucach tĆ© bettoitam. These my sufferings I offer to you.
Dorieachea Larari