Zuze, Nomr Khaltea kallzachea, St Joseph of humble heart and Patron Saint of ordinary workers. A harmonious and soulful dedication from Parish Choir And close to my heart, San Zuze is my Godfather. Source: Gaionacho jhello U-34 Credit: Maglinda Travasso/Choral group (San Jose De Areal).
Hymn lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs.
Zuze, Nomr khaltea kallzachea,
Joseph, of humble heart,
Zuze Sant gorib vavraddia,
Joseph, a saint of ordinary workers,
Zuze pai-Rakhnnea Jezuchea,
Joseph, father and guardian of Jesus,
amkam-i rakh, choloi sodankal.
guard us, too, and always lead us through life.
Bapacho visvaxi sevok tum,
You are the loyal servant of the Heavenly Father,
bhavartan Tacho sobd tum ghetai,
in full faith you accept His word,
bhavartar tujem Ghor tum bandtai.
you build your home on the foundation of faith.
Mariecho pritivont poti tum,
You are the affectionate husband of Mary,
nixkollonk Potinnik dukhoinaim,
you did not hurt a chaste companion,
ticho man somazant tum rakhtai.
her honor you are guarded forever.