A Konkani hymn full of heartfelt praises
to Our Lord Jesus with a scenic background
credit to Aishwarya Afonso
Vakhanni tuka Kallzant thaun
hymn lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs
Tunch mozo sovmi, tunch mozo dev
Only you are my Lord, Only you my God
Vakhann’nni tuka kallzant-thaun
praises from my heart
Tunch mozo rochnar, tunch mozo donni
Vakhann’nni tuka kallzant-thaun
Only You my Creator, Only you my Lord
Praises from my heart Chorus:
Tunch mozo addhar, tunch mozem boll
Only You my succor , Only you my Joy
Vakhann’nni tuka kallzant-thaun
Praises from my heart
Tunch mozo aasrro, tunch mozem sukh
Only you my refuge, you are my peace
Vakhann’nni tuka kallzant-thaun
Praises to you from my heart
Tunch jezu uzvaad mozo,
Only you Jesus, my light
Sandleleank alasiro
An anchor for the lost
Visvas tujeaer mozo teuvta
I place my faith in you
Tunch jezu killav mozo
You are my rampart (Fort)
Mog na ani tujiea osslo
I do not love no other
Davun tujie sorrsim yeta.
hastily, I come to you Ch:
Tunch jezu sangat mozo
Only you are my companion
Vait velar addhar tuzo
In times of trouble, my succor
Gopant tuziea sontos kitlo
In your arms, happiness abounds
Tunch jezu arrayi mozo
Kurpecho somdir zoso
Like an ocean of blessings
Tarrok moziea jivitacho
Savior of my life