Traditional Goan beef Stew, by Jevon randh (cook food),love his greeting " Hello Goenkara" calling out our bros, I have tried his recipe, It taste awesome.. I will jot down, the ingredients. He talks native konkani and very authentic . If you don't understand konkani there are English subtitles to guide you through the steps for cooking our favorites dish.
Courtesy: Jevon Randh.
!/2 kg of beef and Pork
cut into small pieces
200 gms of macaroni
200 gms of green peas
1/2 kg of Potatoes
2 Onions.
2 carrots
80 gms Butter
2 tomatoes
2 chicken maggi cubes., 7 garlic flakes, ginger , 1 cinnamon sticks , peppercorns, cloves