Poilo dance, the bride sings of dream come true. love that dances, love that sings, love that binds, in her joy the bride sings to her husband, enchanting to watch
St. Paul in the "hymn of love", hit the right notes
Courtesy : Estevan & Patricia D'mello
Poillo dance, lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs.
Poillo dance aiz Moga voh
tukhodhe nachtaem
The first dance my love I am dancing with you
Eian mojhem jivit aiz thaen tukach bettoitaem
This life of mine from now on, I dedicate to you
Ekvott amcho zallo munh devakh arghaem ditha
I give praise to God for our Union
Aiz chaen sasnakh moga hanv tujechem zatta
From now I became yours forever
Poise Khorea vhaite chitnaem ani sentimente
Let keep away bad thoughts and sentiments
Althara mukhar Hatak dorun dillo zurament
Before altar holding hands , we made our vows
Igorechea bukhar borilloh tho testament
We signed our testament in the wedding register in the church
Jesun godllolho ami zodllo satvo sacrament
What Jesus had instituted we fulfilled our seventh sacrament
Oshin dogaim ami soddanch mogan bauchim
As always two of us we will walk in love
kallzhan amchea viswachi fullan rauchim
in our hearts we'll plant flowers of trust
noxibatleam sukh ani dukh ami saunchim
whatever fate has willed happiness and sorrow, we'll bear
rochnar Devan sopna amchim purim kellim
Our Heavenly Father has realized our dreams
Dovan nesson bessaanva gheveun zallim hanv khazar
dressed in white, with blessings from family, I have married
aiz thaen tuem Mhozo sorg ani sounvsar
From now you are my heaven and earth
Jivit mhojem ankvar ponnache zallen khabar
my life as single is over
Donnai Devan korcho amcho boro fuddar
Lord God may bless us with good future.