Te Amo (Love you) A fast paced Konkani love ballad
with lively music and English scenery as a backdrop Cast: Myron Shawn Correia & Kimberley de Araujo
Vocalist: Myron Shawn Correia.
lyrics with English translation for global audience , vid will load in few secs.
poilech nodrek ek cheddum mhonan gellam
at first sight this girl gripped my mind
tachea mogan hanv sarko zallo pisso
in love with I was totally crazy
soddanch asheon hanv ravtallon
always craved for her
takach hanv sangtolo munhe
I wanted to tell her
mog kortalam munnhe tacho
that I am in love with her
sodanch deva lagin hanv magtalom
I used to pray always to God
mog zalear puro mhunne amcho dogaincho
that I love will come true for two of us
mogan tujea zallo pisso
I am in crazy in love with you
ontar tujea sodanch hanso
always a smile on your lips
sagonkak hanv ...........
wanted to tell you
mog kortam mhunne tuzo
that I am in love with you
kedanch visorcho nam, poilo mog amcho
I will never forget our first love
soddanch ossoch gutt urtolo dogaincho
always remain the same the secret of ours
mogan koslim tufana ailear passun sangatan fuddo korcho
when the storms comes our way we'll fight together
adhar gevun devacho
with God's help
sodanch dogaim ami mogan bhovinchim
we'll always wander through life together
ekamaka ami visvaxi rauchim
remain faithful to each other
chintlelim chintna amchim puri korchim
Our dreams and plans we'll make it come true
ek novo ghorabo fudarak korun adchim
We 'll bring forth a new household
voi tum mhojea mogachem, voddlea apurbaechem
yes you are my love, warm hearted and dear
sodtam tujea gharache rani tum rani mhojea kallzache
you will be the queen of my heart
sobit dennah tum maka dillam Devan
a lovely gift given to me by God
sambautolom tuka dorun gopan
I will guard you in my embrace
jivit mhojem zai sarrunk tujea sangatan
I want to spend my life in your company
soddanch hanv magtam mhojea rozzaran
I always plead in my prayers
Doxi korunch sodttelim maim, bienaka hath de mhojea hatat
my folks will try to separate us, do not be afraid, hold my hand
nirmila tuka mhojea noxibant voronk zaunchneam konnachien
you've been destined for me , nobody can take you away
kalliz tuka bettoliem uttranim mhojean sangunk zaunche nam
I have dedicated my heart to you I cannot express I words
sodanch ravtolo visvaxi kortolo tuka dadoshi
I will always remain faithful and will make you happy
hanv raja and moga tum rani mhoje
I am your king and your are my queen
soddun vacchona ghalea dori laglea tuzea mogachi
I will not walk away leaving you, the knot is tied of your love.