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Sorginchem Raj (kingdom of heaven)

Sorginchem Raj

Sorginchem Raj (Kingdom Of Heaven) Mathew 18:3 "For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." ... Truly I tell you, anyone who does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." Its never been for the proud and the pompous but for the meek.

Cast: little kids from St. Joseph's Church, Shiroda Credit: Fr. John A. Fernandes

lyrics with English translation for Global audience, vid will load in few secs.


Amche Oslea Bhurgeanchem

just like us children

Lhanvikaiechea Munxeanchem

of humble humankind

Ugttea monan jietoleanchem

living with open minds

Sorginchem Raj

such is the kingdom of heaven

Bhurgeam bhaxen ravot tor

If you remain like a little child

Lhanvikaien cholot tor

and walk in humility

Soglleank amkam Melttolem

all will receive

Sorginchem Raj

the kingdom of heaven


Lhan bhurgim ami supurlim

little children we infants

Somia Jezuchea mogachim

Love of Our Lord Jesus

Vengent tachea ami Kheltolim

in his arms we'll play

Apurbai taka amchi

very dear to Him

Tachea Rajeachi Bhagelim

inhabitant in His kingdom

Sasnnak ami zatolim

We'll live forever

Vengent tache ami kheltolim

in his arms we'll play

Apurbai taka amchi

dear to Him

Sonvsarant ami jietanam

We'll live in this world

Jivitant Paulam martanam

in life our footsteps

Paula Paular ami sodhteleanv

step by step we'll search for

Sorginchem Raj

the kingdom of heaven

Kalliz Tanchem Mogachem

the heart full of love

Rupnnem tanchem Devachem

his image of Godliness

Osleach kallzank meltolem

for such hearts we'll receive

Sorginchem Raj

the kingdom of heaven



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