Sopna Purim Zalim ( dreams fulfilled) A wedding special for Cancios & Samantha to grace their Blissful day. A heart warming lyrics set to the fine music.Vocalist: Marcidon Azavedo, Joylita Silveira
Credit: Messi's Music world.
Lyrics with English translation for global audience, vid link will load in few secs.
stellacher .. poitoch tuka sopon purim zalem
To see in your wedding gown, my dreams came true
ghor soddun bhair sodtana khuxalkain khalliz rodlem
leaving home behind to step outside, my heart wept in joy
tum moga mhojea jivatan Devan dillen, mogachem dennem
you my love my Life's God given, gift of Love
Aiz tuka mhojea gopant dorunk edlaim vodllemm bhag maka mevlem
to hold you in my arms, was a great felicity I have received
Don khalzan sodanch ashetalim gopant dorun sassanak ek zaun magtalim
two hearts always ached to be in each others arms, prayed to be One eternally
Aichan Rai tuzo ani tuzo mhoje rani Khuxakaiche sopna purim zallim
From today I am your kings and you're my queen, dreams of happiness have come true
Mogacho uzvadd fankla khuxalkain jiv dadhosla
Love dispersed its fragrance and Life is contented in happiness
Fudar amcho korun boro visvaxi ravea ekamekak
for our bright future, lets remain faithful to each other
utrache gallun modi altara mukar bhas dillea tuka
putting the ring in your finger in front of the altar, I gave you my word
morosor tuzo sangat zai, etlench puro ani kai naka
till I die I want your intimacy alone and nothing else
tum mhojo maka morosor voh sonvsar fokot tum zai mhojea dollean mukar
you are mine till I die, in this life, you are the only I need before my eyes
tujea sangatan kortalim fuddar fokot tujem nhav gaita mhojea khallzar
In your intimacy I will make my future, you name shines before my eyes