Sodchona (Never leave you) An invigorating love music ballad with backdrop of breathtaking English terrain. Sure, to appeal the new gen around the world.
Credit: Cyrus Berne and his team
Lyrics with English translation for Global audience, vid will load in few secs.
Tu ashtana mojea gopant maka borem dista go.. maka borem dista go
When you're in my embrace, it feels good.... it feels so good
aikonk yeta mhoji mogachi tuka asha
Can you feel/hear my love's desire
yeta sodun soglle mojem vengen tujea
coming to you, leaving everything behind, to be in your arms
gopan dorun palloi kallzachi asha
hold me in your embrace and quench my heart's desire
rav tu sodanch kuin gho vochu naka
you remain here, never stray anywhere else
asot thor ho jive mhojo
as long as I life in me
tukach vavurtolo tuzoch soddanch hanv ashtolo
I will work for you, yours I will always remain
sodchona tuka sodchona
I will not leave you, leave you
mhojem kelear vinne sodachona
I will not leave you till you're mine
tunch mhojem voi tunch mhojem
you're mine, yes you're mine
sasnak tum zattelelm mhojem
you'll be mine for eternity
tukach sodanch sangtam kednai sodchona
I will always tell you, never leave you
ho hath dor go tu mhojo
this hand of mine hold it dear
tukach hanv soddanch vixwashi ravtolo
I will always remain faithful to you
dis ho hanv kednai yeta poitolo
when the day will come, I await
tukach hanv ravtam gho sodanch
for you alone I will await always.