Sam Fransisku Xaviera . An elegant rendition on
saxophone of an original composition by Raimundo Floriano Felciano Barreto, An iconic hymn dedicated to Goencho Saib.
Credit: Madonna Fernandes. Hymn lyrics to accompany the music, vid will load in few secs .
Sam Fransisku Xaviera
Tuji kuddu Goyam Xhara
Saint Francis Xavier
your relics are in Goa
Tum Jezuchea Soinika
Sodanch zoitivont kor maka
you are in the company(soldier) of Jesus,
always make me victorious
Zori Vilaitent melo
it was with high fever he died
mortoch Goyam portun ailo
after he died, he came back to Goa
amche sovem tum ravcho
amongst us you must remain
samball korunk Goykarancho
 to safeguard us Goans
vaitt-vignam ietat tednam
when evil manifests and heads our way
Zhuzam–moddam uprastanam
when wars and storms gather
Amkam tum visrum naka
Do not forget us
Jezuchea bollvont soinika
Our Lord Jesus staunch followers (soldiers)