Rupem bhangar maginai ( We do not ask for silver and gold), we offer our hearts to you, Oh Lord. A Konkani offertory hymn, a soulful dedication by Imenda.
Hymn Vocalist: Imenda Afonso.
Hymn lyrics with English translation to sing along, vid will load in few secs.
Rupem bhangar maginai
We don’t pray for silver and gold:
akho sonvsar Tuzo, Saiba
The whole world is Yours, O Lord
Amchim kallzam Tuka zai:
You want our hearts:
khuxen vopun ditanv Tuka.
We gladly offer them to You.
Amchim kallzam ubartanv,
We uplift our hearts,
Tujea mogak anvddetanv
we crave for Your love
Axa amcheam kallzachi
The longing of our hearts,
Tuka, Saiba, koxi lagli?
how did it please You?
Toxich Tujea mogachi
In the same manner, Your love
amche bhitor axa vaddli
increased our desire within us
Khunna amcheam kallzanchi:
The aspects of our hearts:
Unddo-Soro Tuzo sontos
Bread and wine bring us Your happiness
Jevonn Tujea mogachem:
The food of Your love:
Unddea-Sorean ami-i dhados
We too are satisfied with that bread and wine