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Perpet Succor Mai-Our Lady of Perpetual Succor

Perpet Succor Mai, Perpetual, Succor means unceasing aid, And Our Blessed Mother is given the name for her miracles

Because she will aid you Perpetually. She has been Our Family Guardian and never ceased to aid us.

A hymn of dedication from Goa's Nightingale herself -Lorna Cordeiro

credit to Catherine Monteiro

Perpet Succor Morie

Perpetual Succor Marie

Maie Somestanche

Mother of all

Ranni Tum sorgache

Queen of heaven

Ani sonvsarache

And of the world

Zori Kakutiche

The font of Mercy

Xitoll Savlle pidestanche

Cool shade for the sick

Noman Kortanv tuka

I adore you

O Maie Jezuche

Oh Mother of God

Noman Noman

Hail, Hail

Noman Morie

Hail, Mary

Magnnim amchim maie

Our Prayers Our Mother

Pavoi tum Jezu thaim

Intercede with your son

Jezu Utor tujem

Jesus your word

Aikota tum Mhunn mai

listens because you're His Mother

Rat dis magnnim ami

Day and night we pray to you

Kortanv maie oi tuje thaim

Pray to you, with you

Talnint podchea vellar

When we fall into temptation

Samball sandinakai

Save us, do not forsake us

Noman noma

Hail, hail

Noman Morie

Ave marie

Dakhounk mai mog tuzo

To show your love for us

Disli tum sonvsarant

You appeared in the world

Lourdes Fatima ani

Lourdes, Fatima and

Bellant Cana gavant

Bethlehem, Cana town

Vismitam, Milagri

Your wonders, your miracles

Polleum tujeo Kortat noman

Having witnessed,we hail you

Perpet Succor Morie

Perpetual Succor May

Rav Mai amchea kallzant

Remain in our hearts Mother

Noman noman \

Hail, hail

Noman Morie

Ave marie

Eklich tum Mair Morie

You are just One Mother Mary

Sabar tuji nanvam

But multitudes your names

Perpet Succor ani

Perpetual succor and…

Saude, Lourdes, Fatima

Bellan, Cani ani..

Dolores, Rosa Mystica

Monti, Dukhest ani

Sobit Mai Madonna

Noman Noman

Noman Morie


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