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Novem Voros (New Year)

Novem Voros

Novem Voros ( New Year) An engrossing New Year song, to ring in the New Year with a lively composition of late Alfred Rose released on (1978 ) and original Vocalists: Delphine, Alfred Rose.

Vocalist: Reizel Ashie Costa credit: Proximo Stream.

lyrics with English translation for our global audience, vid will load in few secs.


La La La,La La La. La La La La La.


Novem voros yeta danvon, pornem voros veta povon

New year has come in running, the old year has fled

Sobai tachi geli denvon, khotta khotta veta povon

her freshness is gone, and hurriedly has run away

Kallok zalo konnacho konn bej gheta

in the darkness, they are kissing each other

Kitle chedde oslea vellakuch ravta

many boys wait for this time

Mog kornaram chedde cheddvank vengoita

the lovers, boys and girls are in each other embrace

Ho matro poiat cheddum mhunn sozmon, kodelik bej dita

look at this old man, he is kissing the chair, thinking its girl



Happy New Year ah! Happy New year

Cheddum mhonnta, You are my dear

The girl says

Cheddo sangta, Darling come here

The boy replies

Konn piyeta rum, konn piyeta beer

some are drinking rum, others beer

Happy New year soglleank tumkam mhonntam anv

Happy New year, I am wishing everyone

Cheddvam konnak assat tenger chedde zanv

those household with girls, may be blessed with boys

Ankvarancher Rochnaran ghalchem besanv

On single folks may God, the Creator shower his blessings

Somestanchea gharanim sovostkaien marchi danv

in people's home let us hurry peacefully.



La La La,La La La. La La La La La.

La La La,La La La. La La La La La.

La La La,La La La. La La La La La.


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