Maka Kiteak podla (Who cares?) An invigorating dance cover or choreography by our Goan gals to lively rhythmic song, to drum up some activism on issues pertaining to our Land. Vocalist/ Composer: Fritz Love
credit: Goan Glowing Stars, CGS
snippets of lyrics with English translation for global audience, vid link will load in few secs.
tempecher zallim barra re, Goenkar niddun assa re
the time is almost twelve and Goan is still sleeping
Utoliar muntha maka kiteak podla re
If you wake him up, he says, why should I care
Sezarchea ghora uzzo lagle re pallounk bhar sorr re
Our neighbor's house is on fire, to douse it come outside
maka kiteak podlam, lassun khabar zaunk re
why should I care, let it burn down
Goaent hatat kudso gallunk Goeant uzzo
Goa they bring the spark, to set Goa on fire
goaant lassun khabr zatokoch goenkar fugdi gatholo
After Goa is burnt down, Goans will dance the fugdi
goenkarak mevlai puro, duddu ani soro
Goans are satisfied with money and booze
battan bhassen vikunk diun ready Goenkar zalla leunto
Fields and properties he is ready to sell, Goans have become greedy
Goem lutton chorun khabar kor, mhaka kiteak podlam
let Goa be looted and robbed, why should I care
Goenkar sussegad niddun ravai re amka kiteak podlam
Goans will contended with sleep, why should we care
.. amche Goem zattalem kaiem maka kiteak podlam
Our Goa will turn black with coal dust, why should I care
bhurgim doensa mortalim re, amka kiteak podlam
the kids will die of sickness, why should we care
Probleam tem Vasco karachem, amka kiteak podlam tem
the problem is of Vascoites, why should I care
chintop re amche Niz Goeankareachem
this is our thinking of True Goans
Sarkar lollipop dhakoita, Bhurgim khosi ami bulloitaum
the govt offers the lollipop, like kids we get fooled
Bhitolean sogglo gholl mall korta
And behind the curtain it does scams
Goenkar ami Goenkara gulam zaine naka
Goans Oh Goans do not become slaves
Sarkarechem aikon fotoi zaiene naka
Do not fooled by Govt promises
Goenkara re Goenkara moron haddi naka
Goans oh Goans do not bring our death
Bhurgeanchem xirap kedanch gevun naka
Do not suffer Children's curses
Goenkara oh mhojea Goenkara maka kiteak poddlam
Goans Oh my Goans Why should I care
oh amcho zohbab zalla, attanh utt niddinttlo
Oh this has become our answer, now wake up from sleep
Bodol zabab tuzo chintum poi falleancho
Change you answer, think of tomorrow
fudar tujea bhugeancho aiz than poi maka podllam
think of children's future, from now on yes it is my concern
Goem lutttun chorun divecho na re, voi maka podlam
I will not allow Goa to be looted and cheated
Goenkar sussegad anta ravcho na voi maka podlam
Goans will not remain contented, yes it is my concern
.. Goeam kaen zaun kedinch divchona
I will not allow Goa to be black with coal
bhurgeancho boro fuddar zauncho munnhe voi maka podllam
The children's future be bright , yes its my concern.