Lisboa ( yearning for Lisbon) to meet her lover, marry and
come back to Goa. An evergreen Lorna song and a Chris Perry composition. A scenic recreation/Cover by Maria Sendra Menezes
Credit: Konkani Utsav DoReMiFa Creations
Lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs.
Lisboa (Lisbon )
Sodanch chintalim vetelim mhunnon re Lisboa,
always dreamt to go to Lisbon(Portugal)
Nouro assa thuimsor, anv assa re Goa
My lover is in Lisbon while I am in Goa
Chintlelem chintop purem zalear puro re Deva,
make my wishes come true , Please God
Khoxi zatelim, polloun tem Lisboa.
I'l be happy when I reach Lisbon
Despez zalear zaum, thoimsor anv vetelim,
I don't care about the cost, I 'll reach there somehow
Noureak meutoch anv, kazarui zatelim,
I'll my meet my lover and I'll marry him
Lisboa cho ganv, khoxen anv poitelem
I'll be happy to see Lisbon
Poitoch Lisboa, viva re Goa, ghara ietelim
Once I see Lisbon, Viva re Goa, I'll come Home.