Konkani Masala, a lively Goan mando medley sure to energize guests at the wedding or at any social events and set them in a mood to dance and draw them on the floor.
Credit: Myron Lucas, the 7 Notes Band, Goa
masala lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs.
choi choi tho render maddar choddta ...3
look look the toddy tapper is climbing the coconut Palm tree
maddar choddun... sur poi kadta
on climbing, he extracts the juice or toddy from the bark
yeo gho mandolin vazzoi moga mandolin...3
come my dear Mandolin let play the mandolin my love mandolin
ek dis eka festak oshen fokkan ghodlem
one day on the feast day, something strange happened
ferrain bhonvtalo vochhona nastana missak
I was strolling around feast fair instead of going for mass
luttin paulo eka chedva ........
in the melee I fall on girl's .......
tem lokdanche pauleam mogache prasser
yeo gho mandolin vazzoi moga mandolin....3
ago chedva kiteak tum loztai
hey Girl why are you feeling shy
bestach maka pollluen tum hanstai
looking at me you smile
mogan mhujea podlam ossen distai
it seems like you have fallen in love
kazar zattelem mista
will you get married, it seems like
mai ghe mai ghe baillan matche eao gho polle
Mother dear, please come outside
poi ghe poi ghe voh cheddo marta makha dolle
look dear, the boy is winking at me
mai mai ghe oh khazzar zaunke soddta mhuje kodde
mother dear, he wants to get married to me
nah nah ghe hanv khazzar zauchina taje kodde
No never I will not et married to him
Santoniche dongrar pakle apoita,
on St Anthony hillock the white Portuguese are calling
Etea vetea bhailank dolle modditai…2
they wink at the women passing by
Ch..Ani ede ede ede ede vhode haddache
and with their big big big beards
la la la la la la la la la la la
gollean sakli soniachi he pori konnachi....2
golden necklace around the neck, whose lovely daughter is she
are khazar zallear ei ye pori khonachi
la la la la la la la la la la
oh Goa amche oh goa amche , oh goa vortat shanti kaiechem
Oh Goa is ours ...........................Oh Goa is full of peace
oh goa amche oh goa amche voddar bossun maria kopachem
ooooo la la oola oolala
lea lea lo lea lea lo
ya ya ya maya maya
ya y a ya maya maya
ya ya maya ya ya maya