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Jivitachem Udok (the living water)

Jivitachem Udok

Jivitachem Udok (the living water) Our Lord promised

us. John 4:14 "But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Credit: Imenda's Choir, Paris

hymn lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs.


monis Mhoje sorxim ailear

if a person comes to me,

to-vui kednach bhukecho nam

he will never be hungry again

Monnxan Mhojer bhavart levlear

If a person reposes his faith in me

kendnach taka lagchi nam tan;

he will never thirsty again

monis Mhojê sorxim ailear

if a person comes to me,

tho vui kendnach bhukecho nam

he will never be hungery, again


Amcho otmo tanela

Our soul are thirsty

Tuka pieunk axeta

we are longing to drink from you

Amcho otmo bhukela:

Our souls are parched

Tuka khaunk anvddeta

We are longing to eat your flesh


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