Goan Pork Amsol, It was my grandmas favorite dish. Bless her Soul!! the Southerner in me. We Goans feast on savory Goan Pork dishes. Its meat is succulent and soft but because of its high fat content, moderation is required while consuming this dish or left only for Social occasion. Many a times for the Goan wedding, we had the roasted sucking pig on the buffet table. As kid it was delight to watch and savor. credit: Jacklin D'Costa Pereira.
1 kg pork
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp cloves
1 tsp peppercorns
1 tsp turmeric powder
11/2 inch cinnamon stick
5 medium size onions
10-12 garlic cloves
4 tbsp vinegar
10 pieces of kokum
8 Kashmiri chillies
1 inch ginger
Oil Salt for seasoning
preparation: the steps are easy to follow from the vid. I've tried it, turns out great, Of course missing Grandma.