Uzvadd Paloi Naka, (Do not put out the light) Stop Abortions, Life is precious, even of our unborn awaiting to experience Life, just like we did. Do not kill our yet unborn.A real tear jerker.
Singer & Composer Elvis Mascarenhas
Cast : Elvis , Annette Gracias, and the kid Jonan Shane Fernandes, vid will load in few secs
Chukh tujhe lagim godli maim,
mogan ashtana
You made a mistake, Mama, while you were in Love
Kushvien tujhea zolmolo, ankwar asthana
I was born in your womb when you were unmarried
Atta maruk sodtai maka gunneao nastana
Now you are planning to kill me, for no fault of mine.
Kushvea ravon ulhas soddtana, kiteak aikona
From your womb I send my sad sighs, why do you not listen?
Mai maka mari naka Mai, Maim hathe zoddunk magtam,… zolomoche adinchmaka
Mama do not kill me, Mama do not kill me, I am begging of you, before birth do not tear me apart
I want to live I want to live, please I want to live, please let me live
I want to live .......
Anik thodea muinhanee hanv zolman eu paucho
For a few months more, I will be born in this world
Rup tujhea pollunk Maim khushal zaupacho
To see you sight, I will smile for the first time……..
hatat tujhea dorun ghe hanv chollunk sinkpachu
Holding your hands, I will learn to walk
Hanv Oddlo javon tujho aadhar zaupacho Jivitan maim, hanve tujho uzvadd ,motoran
When I grow up, I will be your help, in your life I'll be your light, in my car
hanv tuka sogllea baupacho
I will drive you everywhere
Tunche mhuje maim tuje puzzea korpaucho
You are my mama , I will serve you
Ani thodea vorhan ni zivit mojea soptalo
Within few hours, my life will be over
kudke korun kusvean tujea dotor sande baire kadtholo
the Doctor will cut me to pieces to remove my parts from your womb
Chuk tujea vigle, uzvad tujo soptoalo
Your mistake will be chiseled, you light extinguished
Innocent morea mhujea sang maim konne rodtlo
My innocents death tell me, Mama who will cry?
Devan bhogse, Konneak vait Magonna
May God forgive I do not pray ill for anyone.