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Tu Mujech Gho Moga

Tu Mujech Gho Moga

Tu Mujech Gho Moga ( You're mine alone, my love) an original warm romantic song, of love's varied yet sublime shade with captivating lyrics.

Composer/Vocalist: Silvano Fernandes

Cast: Silvano, Astria. Credit: Alex Elston

Lyrics with english translation for global audience, vid will load in few secs.


poilench tuka pollelem ixtagott che natten zodlem

First time I saw you, we ushered in our friendship

kainch goddo nastana mogache tuffan upraslem

without any clue love fever spiked

hanv poddun tujea mogan, sopnant assa mhaka dislem

falling in love with, felt like heaven

tuevem mog mhaka diuen mhojem jivit tukach bettoilem

you gave me your love and return I dedicate my life to you


tu mhojech gho moga fudrachea sukha

you are mine my future happiness

tu mhojech gho moga, khalliz em bettoitam tuka

you are mine i dedicate my life to you

kednach monnant tum kaddi naka ... hanv soddun ossot mhunne tuka

never for a moment hold it in your mind, that I will go away leaving you

jiv hanv mhoja sopoitilem , moga tunch zai mhaka

I will rather end my life, I need you alone.

dushman passot gallit mhaka ... hanv eaitolom tuzo

my enemies might restrain me, but I will come to you

khalliz passun kadun vodoitolom

I will tear my heart and throw it away

kedna hanv vechhona soddun

But I will never leave you


tujea dolleant dhukan polliot tor

If i see tears in your eyes

khalliz rodta mhujea bhitor

my heart will cry deep inside

sodanch sukan dovortolom sonvsaran hanv assot tor

I will always keep you happy, as long as I am in this world

sodanch visvaxi tuka ravtololom

I will always remain faithful to you

koslench vait eait tor khallzacho turo mhaka atolo

whatever misfortunes befall me, My heart will be rendered in pieces

tum mhaka soddun vechhit tor

If you leave me and go away



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