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The Konkani masala --The Runks Goa

Konkani masala

Konkani masala, a medley of fun songs with an invigorating

and a pulsating beat. Its party songs to liven up the social occasions and get them on the floor to dance the night away.

Credit : The Runks Goa band Pls contact them: The Runks

Konkani Masala Lyrics with English translation for global audience, vid will load in few secs.


Madacho soro, pevunk kitlo boro.......2

coconut feni, how good it is to drink

Tuka zai zaliar fokot rupia podtolo

if you want it, you just have to pay rupees

Maka zai zai, Maka zai zai,

I want want, I want want

baarik baarik vakol maka zai

a slim slim wife, I want.

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

Ganv mhozo Mhapxecho, biradd mhojem Maddganv

I am from Mapuca but my home is in Margao

Vallaracho dhondo mhagelo kanknnam viktam hanv

A reputed occupation, I sell women bangles

Akhea Goeant vollkhotat Pandurang mhagelem nanv

through out Goa, they know me as Pandurang my name

Cheddvam mhaka chavoitat mhunn Pandu Lampiaum

But the girls tease me as Pandu Lampiaum ( lamp)

Vallaracho dhondo ho Goeam boro cholta

This valued occupation is going well in Goa

Kanknnam ghalunk cheddvam-bailo mhaka ravta

to wear the bangles, the girls and ladies await for me

Mov-mov hatancher kanknnam borim choddta

in their soft hands the bangles slip very well

Kanknnam ghaltana tangele hat damunk mellta

when i wear them the bangles, I get too press their hands

oh .....oh...... oh

roza roza mhunne apoita

Rosa rosa he calls me

rath dis dista sopnath dista

day and night I see him in dreams

xettant gelear xettant eita, madganv basher ravun

when I go into fields, he is there too, at the bus stand, sitting on the bus

taen ossen munta oh roza tum moga tujea vinn kianch naka

he says like this "oh Rosa , my love, without you I want nothing else

khalzzant eia mog rigla rani tum hanv Raza

in my heart love has kindled, you are my queen and I am you King.

Khursa mukhar re chedva maka dhi go utor ru.......2

in front of the Cross give me your word

Na na na ghe mai au zainam kazar ru ................2

No No, Mom, I am not yet getting married

ole ole au zainam kazar ru ................2

ole ole I am not getting married

Fullam malli tallier chedva tukaa apoitam mallier...........2

Full gho tambieanchem chedva tuka mevta funkienchem.......2

ole ole tuka mevta funkiachem ............2

Beshtem ragan chavon

with needless anger

Kitiak vetai dhavon

why have you run away

Tujea mogan poi voita hanv bhavon

i am starving for your love

Mogan zai te baie ghodta

In love there unexpected turns

Kennai hasta kennai rodta

sometimes it laughs, sometimes it cries

Pun te tuven hanven sozmoche podta

but you and me, we have to understand

Ch:Paineant dholoitam mhunon beshte mhutlem

Mog sozmona poiat he ragan fullem

she misunderstood, and was overcome with anger

Dubav lagta he konaikunn punn bhullem

in doubts she was fooled by someone

He mhaka foton foton kaliz tuton haat dakhon chollem

she lies lies my heart she stole, showing her hands

(2) Farar far zatai ranantu Farar far zatai ranantu

There is shooting or war in the forest

(2) Rane mathai pakleaku Pakle mathai raneaku

The Ranes are killing the pakle(Portuguese), Pakles are killing the Ranes


Farar far zatai ranantu Farar far zatai ranantu

Farar far zatai ranantu Farar far zatai ranantu


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