Sorginchem Dennem Tum ( You are Heaven's Gift) A true story of a barren couple who never gave up on faith and prayed continuously. And finally were rewarded with baby boy and joy unsurpassed and light to the household. Goa's star Vocalist: Mark Revlon Cast: Daksha Shirodkar & Yash Karpe
Credit: Fr Dominic Carvalho.
Lyrics with English translation for global audience, vid will load in few secs
venguen mhoje kelle re balla
In my arms play my baby boy
Deva bapan tum amca dilla
Our Heavenly Father has given you to us
anvdo kalzzacho amcho poro kella
Our hearts desires have been fulfilled
porzollit uzvadd ghorant amchea fanklla
A bright light has suffused our Home
v...... sogot bottan dhakoitallim
All people would show their contempt
opmannche utran aikon ek dis hanv rodtallim
hearing insulting words, I would cry
Santis sakrament mukar ravun magtallim
I would pray before the Holy Sacrament
dukh sogllem Saibinn maink sangtallim
All my sorrows I would confide with Blessed Mother
bhavis vorsam ne aiz zalou re tum
After twenty years you were born to us
Mann amca ghevun ailo re tum
you brought along the respect
niirasi pois khorun re tum melloi re tum
our despair you have swept away, when you reached us
Sorginche denne re tum
you're heaven's gift for us
khandar mhojea nid re balla
Deva Bapa tum amca dilla
anvdo kalzzacho amcho poro kella
porzollit uzvadd ghorant amchea fanklla
Devanche zainne toslem ek kainche nah
For God there is nothing impossible
Bhavrte dhor Jezu cher dusro upai nah
Have Faith in Jesus, there is no other course
magtoch khottean dillear bhogor ravcho nah
if you pray fervently, He will always grant you
Devache podver ximer nah
God's Power there is no limit
Devache podver ximer nah