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Senorita - love ballad Konkani & English


Senorita An original romantic love ballad with the backdrop

of an English city, lyrics a mash up in English & Konkani, with an invigorating lively beat with rap overtones.

Cast: Dylan rodrigues/ Mariola Vaz Credit: Dylan Rodrigues

snippets of lyrics for Global audience, vid will load in few secs.


Kitlem sobit tum dista .....

uloita tum Portuguese

you make my heart sing..

Pretty lady you drive me Crazy while walking .


Senorita kitlem sobit dista

Senorita How lovely you look

Senorita polluen mhaka hansta

Senorita you look and smile at me

Senorita kiteak tum lozta

Senorita why are you shy.

Senorita ... senorita

I'll go wherever you baby need me

follow follow from now to infinity

wanted to know how much each we could be

. way you talk through your eyes...



I am your poet and you're my poetry

you make me blush when you smile at me

Baby you an me have a chemistry

lets begin story baby you're my destiny



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