Mhozo Jiv (my life) an endearing song of first love
being the last one, staying the course through life's varied phases, a true love for keeps.
Vocalists: Lourdes Dias & Neil Frazier
Main Cast: Lourdes Dias Mesbern Fernandes
Credit: Lourdes Dias
Lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs.
Tunch Mhozo Niz mog poilo
You are my true love, my first love
Ekech nodrek monan tum ghelo
I was love at first sight, and remained in my mind
Chintinastanam tum mhaka mevlo
without a thought you met me
Devan tuka mhojea passot
God, for my sake
Sonvsarant rochlo
created you
Tuzo rupkar kallzan asa xhaplolo
your image has been imprinted in my heart
Sodanch muntele hanv tuka I Love You
Always I would say to you. I love you
Sodanch muntele Moga I Miss you
always say to you my love... I miss you
Sodanch muntele Moga I need you
Always say to you my love.. I need you
Moga tujeruch asa ho mhozo jiv
my love on you rest my life
Verse 2
Tujech lagim Kazar zatele
I will marry you alone
Tuka kednach ghat nam kortele
I will never betray you
Tuka kitei zalear hanvui moretelem
if anything happens to you, I will die
Dilem utor sambavtele
the word given(vows), I will keep
Suka dukant vantto ghetelem
I will part of your joys and pain
Morosor tuka visvaxi ravtele
till I die I will remain faithful
Tunch Mhozo dhir adhar
you are my aid and refuge
Tuje nanv kantoila kallzar
your name is engraved on my heart
Magta konnacho dolo langonk nam mogar
I pray evil eye may not fall on us
Moga tunch mhozo suskar
my love your are my breath
Tukach betoila kallzache dhar
for you dedicate my hearts entrance
Magta devachi mogar besanva Sabar
I pray God may shower his blessings on us