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Mhaka Vengent Dhorun ( holding me in your arms)

Mhaka Vengent Dhorun

This latest Goan Konkani love song and most

definitely a future wedding special to grace our joyous occasion and light up our enchanting wedding reception. Lyrics and the swirling music has an ethereal quality with captivating scenery and a handsome couple. Chorus is beautifully crafted and written credit to: Producer: Leslie Dias Cast: Stelon Rego, Staphne Dias. snippets of lyrics, vid will load in few secs



Noko Angea avchit koso podllo hanv tujea mogan

I did not know, Angel How I fell in Love with you


Mogan chavoita moskoreu Korun

Lovingly tease me by making fun

Ragak Nivoita kiss maka dihuen

You calm my anger with your kiss

Sangat hansoita hatant hat gallun

You laughter in our company while holding hands

Mog muzo kortai ghot Mhaka Vengent Dhorun

You love me , by holding me tight in your embrace

Collegeint ulle lear bbankar tu bosun

In collge you will sit in the remaing seat

Cheddaeache nodor soddanch tujeruch assot

The boys would love to gaze at you


Sacramnet joddum sasnak zallem mhojem

With our marriage sacrament fulfilled, you became mine eternily

Hanv zallen tujo

And I became yours





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