Love is Blind (mog Kudd'ddo), Music and more music in our veins, without which the weight of the world is on our shoulders.In times of dread and paranoia due to pandemic unleashed by the powers that be,
There is no better comfort than the songs of faraway lands. credits: Singer : Christabel Barreto lyrics Benny de Aldona Rising stars of Curtorim snippets of Lyrics, vid will load in few secs
khushal Dollean Nodar ghale
My Love ... Let your eyes filled with happiness gaze at me
Soddanch Mujhe thaen Ulloi and khor tujhe vell khor pasar
Always chat with me and pass your time .
..vait ani podtai thor rupkar mhojo add dollea mukar.......
if troubles come, hold my image in front of eyes
(winds up with English lyrics )
I live in this world you for me and I am for you
Its hard to find a friend like you in this there re few
Our dream will come true and one day we'll say yes, I Do
keep in my Love is blind,
.2) don't be stressed no one else all our prayers God Can hear.