Juliana a Konkani love song, which was played incessantly over the Radio growing up as kids in Goa. pining for a lost love, Juliana who will never be seen again. All he can do pray and wish the best for her.
Original singer: Hemant Kumar Credit; Neil D'Souza
lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs.
Kalzan than mog tuzo hanv kortam,
I love you from the depths of heart
Sodanch tujea mogak axetam,
I always hunger for your love
Dis-rath sopnant tuka dekhtam,
day and night I see you in my dreams
Fudar chintun dukham golloitam..........*2
pondering on the future I weep
Tum moga hene thene vaat chamkotanam,
you dear go hither thither losing your path
Gomaan dinaim maka porva tuka nam,
You do not let me know, you don't care
Hanv tuka mojench korunk motint chintanam,
I wanted to make you mine, was in my mind
Kiteak sandun gelaim maka somzonam.
Why did you leave me I do not understand
Juliana Juliana Mogaa mujea..Juliana
Juliana, Juliana, my dear Juliana
Eksurponnan sandlaim mugo maka,
You left me alone and single
Tuje vinnem sonvsaru naka,
without you I do not want the world
Borem magon adeus kortam moga
praying best wishes, I bid you goodbye
Kalliz sodanch chintelem tuka…......*2
in my heart I will always think of you