Ekvottan ( in unison) a warm love ballad of living together in total consonance and intimacy, that leads to the discovery of each other's soul. Vocalist- Denzil Pereira & Trisca Fernandes credit: DnT The Band Goa
lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs.
chondrim poleta lipon tea kupan
moon peeks hiding in the clouds
neketram lojeta poleun amkam gopan
the stars shy away watching us in each others arms
ravchim sandun ami eka mekachea mogan
we will always remain in love with each other
diunchi mogak amchea sodanch ami maan
we'll always treat our love with regard
ekvottan ekvottan
in unison, in unison
sarchim jivit ekvottan
We'll spend our lives as one
ekvottan ekvottan
in unison, in unison
Ravchim ami moipasan Ekvottan
we'll remain in intimacy
dista sorg maka poitoch tujea doleant
I see heaven when I gaze into your eyes
bhogta sukh maka vengen astoch tum mojea
I will comforted when you're in my embrace
raja korun tuka dovortelim kallzant
I will make you my king and keep in my heart
savli mogachi amchea amcher aschi sodanch
the shadow of love will be imbued always