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Zolmola Amkam Ballok Jezu

Zolmola Amkam Ballok Jezu

Zolmola Amkam Ballok Jezu ( born to us Baby Boy Jesus) an angelic konkani carol to spread good cheer around Christmas Season. and depiction of the nativity scene of our Lord Jesus Chirst, in humility He came to us in the cold of the night, in a Manger.

Credit: Fr. Ronaldo Fernandes and his choir.

carol lyrics with translation for global audience, vid will load in few secs


Devache... uzvadd zalli

Heavenly Father had bright a light

aplea puttak sonvsarank daddun

to send His own Son to our world

ankvar Marie thane vichrun kaddli

He chose blessed virgin Mary

tiche sorxim putak dhaddunk

through her, to send His SOn

Marien devache uttor svikarlem

Blessed Mother gave her consent

.. mhunnnon Devache chakom

behold ! the hand maid of the Lord

zaun soggle tumche uttran

Be done unto me according to thy Word

aplem jivit dillem Devak bettoin

She dedicated her life to God

ghoribank khattir gorib zallo

For destitute he became poor

devacho put munnis zallo

God's son became man

ankvar Marie tujechim zolmolo

He was born to Blessed virgin Mary

Sonvasaran devacho Prokas vantllo

In the world God's light shone

bellem m sahrant tum zolmonk ailo

In bethlehem he was born

.mendranean.tuka porgotllo

Sheep bore glad tidings

rakhnem... davun aila

shepherds came running

sorpottunk tuka noman kello

and bowing, they adored you


zolmola amkam ballok Jezu

Born to us baby boy Jesus

kavnnent .. nidla ballok jezu

In the hay sleeps baby boy Jesus

Maria Jose kortat pahro ...

Mary and Joseph are keeping vigil

urben gaita mhoimancho naro

In joy sings heavenly choir

noketracho tho uzvadd gavun

uddentiche vidvan aila


herod raja soggloch guspollo

marun tuka sepai dhaddle


sonvsaran devacho proxas favo zallo

zolmalla amka ballok jezu.......


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