Innocent love and lyrics with promises of being faithful and true forever. Lyrics credit : Pierson D'Costa cast: Cyder Dias & Merlvi credit: Cyder Dias. Tum Sukh Mhojem.
jivitan ailem chitinam nastana
you came into my life unknowingly
ek makak meulim polle nastana
we met each other, without seeking
Insta cher chatting kortalam, picture posteu
on Insta app you would chat, sometimes picture
dalltalant mogan podlim uloi nastana
you would post and fell in love without speaking
polleach paut zadna tuka dekhlan
when I saw you for the first time
mellunk ailem gorechea .gomunk nastana
you came to meet without informing your folks
sobit distalem tuje sobit the dolle
you looked beautiful with lovely eyes
mog zallo dolle dolle ghaltana
our love sparked when our eyes met
niz moga mhojem sukh sasnachem
true love you are, happiness for eternity
soddanch..raktolem utor mogachem
always loving
tujea sivai kainch lagonne mhonne mhojem
without you nothing interest my mind
sodanch khusall davortolo sangnam mhojem
Always keep you happy, this my promise
tum sukhea kaalzachem dadadhosponne mogachem
your serene peaceful heart, blessings of love
voi kalliz rogot tujhem
yes, your and and your blood
tujea vengen dhor maka
hold me in your embrace
tuje vinnem dushrem ani khonne naka
without you I need no one else
tum zai soddanch maka
I always want you
kalliz axeta tuka vegin eio kallzachem sukha
my heart aches for you, come my hearts delight
mhojem kalliz hanv bettoitan tuka
my heart I dedicate to you
moga savlli ditelea ruka
the tree that casts the shadow of love
khoslem tufan uprasarat zaalera tuzo sangat sodhchona
howsoever the storms, I will not leave your company
hem kedich visronaka
this you must never forget
tuka poitokoch suskar jiv mhojo
when I gaze at you you're my breath, my life
kallzantan mog kella hanvem tuzo
from my heart I have loved you
aiz jive khusal zalle mhojo
today my life is filled with happiness
altara mukar jurament dilla..
we made our vows before the altar
anvddo aslo dogaincho, aiz shakim puro zallo
this was desire which was fulfilled in the end
kitlem oier sokhol zaun, limane suskar porenat
whatever ups and downs till my last breath
tho zurament sambartholem
I will uphold it.