Tujea Vortea Nanvan ( In your Sublime name) A Konkani hymn of praises for Our Heavenly Father and His mighty handiworks and not content, He sent his only Son to lead us the way. Original Source: Gaionacho Jhelo Credit: Valentine Fernandes
Hymn Lyrics with English translation, vis will load in few secs.
Sorvespora Deva,
God Almighty,
mogall Bapa amchea,
our loving Father,
Tujeach Nanvak thorai,
Glory to Your name,
Tujeach Nanvak mhoima
Praise to Your name
favo sasnna-sasnak
is deserving forever and ever
Tujea vortea Nanvak
in your sublime name
mhoima gaitanv, Bapa
we sing your praises, Heavenly Father
Ut´tom ekloch to Tum
You alone is pure,
bolixtt tezvont to Tunch
you alone is strong and firm
Mollbar prithver sogott
In the universe,
Tujench mhonnchem, Deva,
all is Yours, my God,
Mogall Bapa, amchea
Our loving Father