Saiba Sam Zuze, A Special dedication a Goan Konkani Hymn, to my Godfather over heaven yonder, I abide under his care. Credit to: Nelly Mendes
hymn lyrics with translation, vid will load in few secs
Saiba sam Zuze, tum amcho dar
Sir Saint Joseph, you are our help
Za tor tum amcho nimano suskar
Be then our last breath
Vaitam vignam tum amchim nivar
through bad troubles you deliver us
atan ani mornnachea vellar
Ow at the hour of death
Saiba Sam Zuze tum amcho onod
Lord Saint Joseph you are our joy
Deva lagim ghal tuji vohodd mozot
In presence of God place your protection
Tujea tea gopant amkam dovor
Hold us in your embrace
Atam ani mornnacho vogot
Now at the hour of our death