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Nimannem Jevonn Jezuchem (Lord's Last Supper)

Nimannem Jevonn Jezuchem

Nimannem Jevonn Jezuchem (The Last Supper) One of the most endearing and Iconic event of our Lords ministry on earth. A new Testament, final bond with humanity.

Original Hymn: Gaionancho Jhelo  Vasco do Rego, SJ

Hymn Vocalist: Voller D'Costa

Hymn Lyrics with Translation for global audience, vid link will load in few secs.


Nimannem Jevonn Jezuchem,

The Last Supper of Jesus,

sodanchem Jevonn xisanchem:

the daily food of his disciples,

nimannem tori tem poilem,

it was the last, but it is the first,

sodanchem tori bhov vegllem!

it is common, but yet very different!


Nimannem Jevonn Jezuchem,

The Last Supper of Jesus,

Guruchea sopurnn mogachem.

The sheer love of our teacher,

Pallun mat formonn mogachem

by fulfilling these wishes of love,

xis kortat “Jevonn Somiachem”.

His disciples celebrate “The Supper of Our Lord”.

Nimannem Jevonn Jezuchem

The Last Supper of Jesus,

disan’dis xisank ektthaita,

Every day gathers His companion closer,

sorvancho ekvott khunnaita,

decrees universal unity,

vegllochar rag-dves sompoita.

it does away with unpleasantness and anger.

Nimannem Jevonn Jezuchem

The Last Supper of Jesus,

Bapacho moimôg bhogoita,

satisfies the deep love of the Father,

Jivachi bhorti denvoita,

it lessens the flood of life,

Atmeachea bollan ghottaita.

it strengthens the soul.



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