Mhojea Adarak Pav ( Come to my aid) An ardent hymn
to plead His Aid in times of troubles.
Original Composer- Fr Moreno De Souza Vocalist:- Megdona Dias
hymn lyrics with English translation, vid link will load in few secs.
Jivitantlem vadoll marta,
When the tempest of life blows,
tednam mhojea adarak pav
then come to my aid!
Doriar hoddem halta-dolta,
When the boat is tossing on the sea,
toxem sonvsar mhak´ haloita,
and the world tosses me in that manner,
tednam mhojea adarak pav
then come to my aid!
Jednam koxtt-dogd mhojer ietat,
When sufferings and pains assail me,
tednam mhojea adarak pav
then come to my aid!
lemkondd mhojer loddai manddta
When temptation wages a fight against me,
ani mhoji xokti denvta,
and my energy declines,
tednam mhojea adarak pav
then come to my aid!
Mhojea mathear guneanv poddtat,
When faults are heaped on me,
tednam mhojea adarak pav
then come to my aid!
Mhoje proitn nirfoll zatat,
When my endeavors come to naught,
mhoje ixtt-mitr mhaka soddtat,
and when my friends abandon me,
tednam mhojea adarak pav
then come to my aid!
Mhojer mhatat´-pirai ieta,
When I grow old,
tednam mhojea adarak pav
then come to my aid!
Mhojem jivit êk bhar zata,
When my life draws to a close,
tollunk xokti komi zata,
and I have no strength to bear it
tednam mhojea adarak pav
then come to my aid!