Lady from Goa.. Bombaichi Birmotti a fun and energetic
medley by a recently launched Goan wedding band,
For Bookings: Contact Ryan +91-8888884663 ryannnaisa@gmail.com
Original composer/singers: Alfred & Rita Rose.
CoverVocalists: Naisa Lotlekar, Ryan Mark
Credit: Ryan N Naisa Collective band.
lyrics with English translation for our global audience, vid will load in few secs.
She is a Lady from Goa
She walks like a lady from Africa,
She talks like a lady from America,
She shakes like a lady from Jamaica,
Yeah she's a lady that I love
She's a lady from Goa......She's a lady from Goa
She's a lady from Goa......She's a lady I love
She's a lady from Goa......She's a lady from Goa
She's a lady from Goa......She's a lady I love
Ti choltana dista ti africachi
Uloitana dista ti Americachi
Ti nachtana dista ti Jamaicachi
Voi thich choili mojea mogachi,
Voi ti choli Goemchi, voi ti choli Goemchi
Voi ti choli Goemchi,Tich mojea mogachi
Voi ti choli Goemchi, voi ti choli goemchi
Voi ti choli Goemchi, Tich mojea mogachi
Bombaichi Birmotti
Anv cheddum choltam fitti fitti fitti,
I am lady who walks in style fitti fitti
Mhunntat maka Bomboichi birmotti,
they call me a Bombay bird
Chedde maka mogacheo daddtat chitti,
the boys send me love letters
Punn konnakuch anv foddinam mitti.
But I never wink at anyone
Ansonk maka yeta chintun,
its amusing when I think
Guneanv mozo koslo antun,
Its no fault of mine
Anv vatten choltanam, matare passun poitat maka kunttun.
when I walk down the streets, even the old men eye me
Maka poitoch matare zatat pixe,
when they look at me the old man go crazy
Tond ukoddtat zal'lea porim sonxe,
gape their mouths like rabbits
Rostean choltanam besttech martat anxe,
walking down the street, they laugh for no reason
Dolle moddtat oxe oxe oxe.
and wink their eyes likewise
Ho to anik makach poita,
look over there He stares at me
Kitem baba tuka zata,
what is going on with you
Pollounk boro dista, amurkoch ansta, tovui mataro puta.
He looks good, laughs pleasantly, but seems he is old too
Anv cheddum baba borea respedachem,
I am very good respected girl
Vhoi Taj Mahalantlea vhoddlea mestachem,
yes the daughter of a renowned Chef in Taj Mahal
Pai bhaxen anv randunk zannam ghostachem,
like dad I know to cook delicious food
Sozomxeat anv mhunn bonder festachem.
Please do not mistake me flag from the feast
Anv kazar zatam very soon,
I am getting married soon
Novro mozo bhurgo nhoi zun,
my fiancé is young not old
Roddonakat chintun,
do not cry thinking
kazar zatoch mozo, chondrimant honeymoon.
when I get married, my honeymoon in the moon.