Konkani Masala Dance Cover An energetic dance
choreography to The 7 Notes band rendition of Konkani Masala. These pretty girls will set you in a dancing mood.
Credit : Goan Glowing Stars.
Vocalist: Myron Lucas The 7 Notes Band
snippets of lyrics to sing along, vid will load in few secs.
choi choi tho render maddar choddta ...3
look look the toddy tapper is climbing the coconut Palm tree
maddar choddun... sur poi kadta
on climbing, he extracts the juice or toddy from the bark
yeo gho mandolin vazzoi moga mandolin...3
come my dear Mandolin let play the mandolin my love mandolin
ek dis eka festak oshen fokkan ghodlem
one day on the feast day, something strange happened
ferrain bhonvtalo vochhona nastana missak
IÂ was strolling around feast fair instead of going for mass
luttin paulo eka chedva ........
in the melee I fall on girl's .......
tem lokdanche pauleam mogache prasser
yeo gho mandolin vazzoi moga mandolin....3