Jurament, A sad and poignant song in konkani of broken vows, false promises and broken hearts.
Composer :M Boyer, a classic singer: Antoinette
credit : Olgaveronica Rodrigues
Kalliz hem tukach re bettoilem,
I dedicated my heart to yo
Mog utor kallzacher kantoilem,
Your words have pierced my heart
Don kalzam bandpachem dhor tunttoilem,
the knot to tie two hearts have come undone
Innocent kallzak hea fottoilem.
the innocent heart has been fooled
Vachun tujea donui chitti,
having read the two letters
Kallzak hea dukh bogli motti,
it caused great pain and sorrow
Jurament diun fottoilem, maka praier Kongotti.
you broke your vows on the Calangute beach and fooled me.
Palloili vath mojea jivitachi,
you turned off the light of life's path
Sun korunk maim tuji zaina raji,
your mother will not have daughter in law
Gulfant vortam mhunnoi sangatinn zatoch tuji
you will take me to Gulf, once I become your wife
Punn axea kallzan bitor urli moji
but my wishes remained in my heart
Jurament dil'lo dogainim
we gave our vows together
Aiz anv eklinch roddtam dukhanim
today I ma crying alone
Moga tuka pisso kello gulfantlea duddvanim
My love, the Gulf;s money has made you mad
Goem yeun kazar tum zatolo
You will come to Goa and wed
Bailek gheun congoti tum vetoloi
you will take your wife to Calangute
Jurar zalea khursaxim tum pautolo
you will vow before the cross
Tednam mozo ugddass tuka yetoloi
then you might remember me too
Koslench sukh ani urlole nam
I have not tasted any happiness
Fottoixi mhunnon chintlemnam
I never knew you will fool me
Chitti ani jurament, fotti mhunnon gomlemnam
letters and vows were a lie I did not understand.