A touching hymn in Konkani on this most
Holy week, A hymn that epitomizes the parable of Prodigal son. Of Dad, Our Heavenly Father who awaits for His son to return. And when he does, overlooks his wasted life instead, hugs and rejoices with a grand banquet for his prodigal son.
That's the way Our Heavenly Father loves us. credit to : Franoy Gomes, singer Pershirl Fernandes
lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secsn
Hanv tuzo Ibaddio put;
I am your wasted son,
Mhoji vatt polloit asloi!
You were always on the lookout for me,
Mhojem pap, onupkarponn
my sins and my ungratefulness,
doiall kallzan visorloi !
You overlooked with Your compassionate heart.
2)Tuji sanddloli xelli
Your lost sheep,
Moimogan sodun kaddlii,
You searched and found with Your love,
kanntteamnim ghuspololi!
the one that was entangled amongst thorns,
khandar Tunvem ubarlii !
You lifted on Your shoulder.
Ghor sôddun hanv vecho nam,
I will not leave my home behind ,
Tuji veng hanv sôddcho nam,
I will not leave your embrace,
2) Tuzo môg visorcho nam!
I will not forget your love.