Ghatt Mogacho, a plaintive konkani love song of betrayal when love goes bad. Its hard to recover, lyrics capture the feelings of someone torn by Love's darker side.
Vocalist : Martha Viegas & Sylwester Fernandes,
Credit :Sylwester Fernandes
navn tujem
your name voi Nanv tujem yes your name
sodanch keltalaem mhojea vonttar
always was on my lips tujea vonttar
mog hanv tuzo muntalem
you are my love
voi muntalem
sangtalem soglea lokak
you used to tell everyone
soglea lokak
mog tho amcho
the love of ours
voi tho amcho
sor zaina Romeo Julietak
just like Romeo and Juliet
Romeo Julietak
nialltoch tujim utram
thinking about your words
mhojim tim uttram
aiz rodoita tim maka
now it makes me cry
moga rodunaka
tuzo sangat sodanch zavo
your closeness I always need
sodanch zavo
oxem maka muntalem
you would tell me
voi hanv muntalem
uzvadd hea sonvasracho
the light of this world
tujea sangatan poitelem
in your company I will witness
voe hanv poitelem
maka ghatt tum kori zallear
if you betrayed me
kedinch korchem nam
sonvsar sodun vetelem
I'll leave this world
voi hanv vetelm
apurbai tujich maka
I'll care for you
tujich maka
tuka visvaxi ravetelem
I'll remain faithful
voi hanv ravetelem
hatar mhojea
on my hand
voi hatar tujea
kantoilem nanv havem tujem
you engraved your name
voi nanv mhojem
kon naka anik maka
I do not want anyone else
Dusrea sangatak
with someone else
voi sangatak
bhonvtalem tuka havem deklem
I saw you walking together
tuvem deklem
kitem ait maka bhoglem
What could I have felt at the moment
moga hanv chuklem
Gopan dusreachea poilem
I saw in arms of some one else
ghirestkaik Bullem
thonddgar zallo
I fainted
voi tim zaloi
zoglovnem koxem mhojer ailem
struck by lightening
voi tujer ailem
Ghatt mogacho maka keloi
you betrayed my love
bhogssonem magtanm
Devan tuka bhoxichem
may God forgive you
tujem kalliz dukoilem
kantteanni jivit mhojem
\my life is of thorns
jivit tujem
borlem tuvem soglem
you have filled it all
maka bhogxichem
Vaitt hanv magona jivit khuxal asom tujem
I do not pray ill, wish you happy life