Celina.. Mog Boom Boom ... Mogacho Uzo, Our classics
songs all rolled in One medley cover by this young band, exuding youth, energy and exuberance.
Vocalist: Prince Correia/ Sheena Fernandes--ClayJars band
Credit: ClayJars
Lyrics with English translation for global audience, vid link will load in few secs.
La Marina hotelan, mojea samkar eun boslem,
In la Marina Hotel she set besides me
Taka polloun hea kallzan, novem tufan upraslem,
when I saw her, my heart was in a turmoil
guspotolom somdiran, tem kuch korun anslem,
I was lost in the ocean, and suddenly she smiled
Tem anstoch sontosan, kalliz mojem nachlem.
when she smiled sweetly, I heart leapt for joy
Celina, kallzan zali zag,
Celina my heart was awakened
Celina anv nhoi vhoddlo vag,
Celina I am not a big Lion
Celina, tachea nakar disti poddlo rag,
Celina, I saw temper flare on her nose
Celina, korunk laglem lag.
Celina, oh she started fussing.
Mog boom Boom
Eka cheddvacho mog hanvem kela
I have loved one girl
Hanvem jurament taka dila
I have even given her my vow
Aikat sobit nanv tachem Bela
listen her lovely name Bella
Tacho ek novro mela
her husband passed away
Zosso fulacho kollo fulta
just like buds bloom into flowers
Tosso re baba amcho mog cholta
likewise our love has blossomed
Zo konn ek cheddo cheddvak bhulta
the one who gets beguiled by a girl
Magir to mogachea zhaddar halta
and then he swings on a love tree
Korun kantar tara Boom-Boom-Boom
singing songs tara Boom Boom Boom
Tara-ra-ra Boom, Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom
Kitem re to mog, tara Boom-Boom-Boom
Tara-ra-ra Boom, Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom
Mogacho uzo
bhangar dudu asat re bankant
I have cash and gold in the bank
Hea dudvani mog diunk zaina maka
but money can't buy me love
soglem soddun mog ulhasan
Leave everything with a love sigh
Punn sodchina tuka
but I will not leave you
Na tuka ...... wooo
Not you......wooo
Mog tuzo moga uzzo uzzo
you love is like fire
mog tuzo uzzo... uzzo
your love is fire fire
tuzo ... tuzo maka mog fokot tuzo
yours yours only your love for me
Mogachi gormi sossunk nezo... nezoo
I can't bear the heat of love can't can't ....
sossunk re nezzo nezzo
I cannot endure no cannot
tum kortai toso
the way you do
konn korit mog mhozo
nobody else can