Sopnatli Rani ( queen of my dream) she looks like a goddess from the temple its like the dream you've had, you cling to it, wish it to continue and then you wake up .. still feeling but sad and melancholy it was just a dream
Vocalist : Ashley Rodrigues credit to Jedd Vann Music
Ch: Pollunkh diso devi mondirantli
She looks like a goddess from the temple,
Surophai diamath somdirantli
Glows like diamonds, from the Sea
Sarkich ti sundori patovantli Rani ti sopnatli
She's a true beauty from heaven, the queen of my dreams
:Rathchem yeun, sopnant meun Bovtha tukha hav, veller geun
She comes to me in my dream and leads me to the shore.
Rath borh raun, veta povon Sodta tuka hav zago zaun
She is with me all night and then disappears and search for when I awaken
Sopne di maka, uzvad naka rath ti ratuch raun
Let my dream continue, do not crave for daylight and hope the night remain, '
Suria rav lipon, purem zai sor sopon kiteak yetai davon
O' sun please hide, do not disturb me till my dream is over
Sodith tori, amchem pori Meuchena, foun sori
If I search for you in real life, I will not find you anywhere.
Utor dita, negar veta Mogia ti nou khori
Some lovers don't keep their word
She: Doxim zait rokdi Zav zogdim ek na ek dis tori
We may break up , As we may fight someday,
Khoria jivitan, maka meunaka, sopnant meular bori
in real life let us not meet, but only in your dreams