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Sopna Sopnetalim hanv (day dreaming)

Sopna Sopnetalim hanv

Sopna Sopnetalim hanv, I am daydreaming A popular Konkani love Singer : Divina Braganza & Moraes

Original lyrics and composition: Agnel de Borim credit Goenkar Musg

cover vocalist : Annalise Dias credit: Cayden Creations


Sopnam Sopnetalim Hanv, Votancher khevtalem tujem nanv

I used to dream a dream, on my lips sang your name

Eeunk Distalem tujeaxim marun dhanv

Felt many a time to run to you

Axelem fokot hanv tujem zaunk

I craved only to be yours

Resperachem neslelem, Ghorcheanchem bhesanv gheun bhair Sorlelem.

I dressed for the Nuptials, with a family blessings I left my home

Khuxalkaien Kalliz hem bhorlelem, Atam sasnak tujem zalem.

Heart full of happiness and now I became yours for eternity

Aiz thaun tum re mhojo, kallzak petla uzzo

Today your are mine and my heart is inflamed

Niz mog kela tuzo Tuje vinnem ravonk nozo

I loved you truly, can't live without you

Khoxen aiz hanv bhortam upkarui atoitam Ekhtaim dorunk amkam,

Filled with happiness I grateful and keep us together

Deva lagim magtam

I pray to God

Khoxechem marta varem Ektovlem soirea

Sweet breeze of happiness lingers around our neighbors

dhaireanchem bhirem

And friends gathered around

Chintlelem chintop aiz zalem purem

My dreams have been fulfilled

Vorsanchem sopon aiz zalem khorem Chintun soglem sontostam

My dreams of years gone by came true today,

Ghorkan tuji zalem mhun khoxi bhogta

I became your queen fills me happiness

Kantar korun devak argham ditam

I sing my praises to God

Fuddar boro zaunk magtam

And pray our future be good

Khuxalkaien bhogta sukh, Tunch mhoji tann ani bhuk

With happiness comes peace. You are my hunger and thirst

Hanv tujo folacho rukh, Kednach dhivchena tuka dukh

Garland of flower am I, never to cause you pain

Mog tuzo kela Khoro Osoch tho urlear puro

Loved you truly, hope it remain the same

2)Deva lagim hanv magtam Fudaar zavunk boro

Pray to God, our future be good


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