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Povitr Atmo Mhojer Denvla

Povitr Atmo Mhojer Denvla

Povitr Atmo Mhojer Denvla ( the Holy Spirit has descended on me) the sacred sacrament of Confirmation of our Holy Mother the Church that transforms us, just like it did the Apostles to preach the kingdom of love.

Choir: Macasana Confirmation Students

Credit: Rev Fr. Kaven Rodrigues.

hymn lyrics with translation for global audience, vid will load in few secs


Povitr Atmo mhojer denvla:

The Holy Spirit has descended on me,

mhaka povitr korun atam

making me now holy,

mafi, xanti, sontos, priti

monnissak porgott korunk dhaddta.

to make known to all peoples,

to spread to mankind:forgiveness, peace, happiness and affection,

He has sent me.

Dublleank Bori Khobor diuncheak,

To give good news to the poor,

koidiank suttka porgott korcheak,

to preach freedom to those in prison,

kurddeank portun nodor diuncheak,

to again give sight to the blind,

Bapan mhaka Atmo dila.

the Father has given me the Spirit.


Dukhest zal´lim kallzam buzounk,

To give comfort for people who are in sorrow,

patkiank mafi, taronn pavounk,

forgiveness for sinners, to bring strength,

sounvsar bodlun novo korunk,

to change the world to make it new,

Bapan mhaka Atmo dila.

the Father has given me the Spirit.


Mhojench jivit novem korun,

By changing my own life,

khaltea mogan chakri korunk,

to work with a humble love,

dusmanank-ui mogan vengounk,

to also lovingly embrace my enemy,

Bapan mhaka Atmo dila.

the Father has given me the Spirit.


Eka kallzan, eka monan

With one heart, and one mind

bhavam-bhoinnim lagim jieun,

to live peacefully with my brothers and sisters,

jivont Jezuk govai diuncheak

to bear testimony to the living Jesus

Bapan mhaka Atmo dila.

the Father has given me the Spirit !


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